F7138 Transformers X G.I. Joe Soundwave Dreadnok Thunder Machine, Zartan and Zarana

Artikel 482 von 2601
€ 119,99 (inkl. MwSt.)
Spezifikation Beschreibung
Artikelcode: F7138
Achtung: Keine Garantie auf neuwertige Verpackung
Größe: Soundwave 25 cm / 10 inch, Zartan and Zarana 9,5 cm / 3,75 inch
Hersteller: Hasbro
EAN-Code: 5010996146649
Erstickungsgefahr: Dieser Artikel ist für Kinder ab 8 Jahren geeignet
Artikelzustand: Neu

This set has it all! Hasbro's Transformers Collaborative G.I. Joe Mash-Up Soundwave Dreadnok Thunder Machine includes retro 3 3/4-inch Zartan and Zarana action figures, just like the kids had in the 1980s. This 10-inch Soundwave figure converts from robot to the iconic Dreadnok Thunder Machine mode in 33 steps.

The included o-ring Zartan and Zarana figures can fit inside the vehicle mode and behind the turret. Set includes a Ravage figure that converts from cassette mode to Jaguar mode in 10 steps.

In cassette mode, this figure can fit inside the Soundwave figure's chest. If that weren't enough, it's scaled to match the 1986 Dreadnok Thunder Machine vehicle. This collector set comes armed with sword, cannon, 3 blasters, 2 grill guards, light bar, and chain leash accessories. 


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